Well look at that — one year ago I contacted you about supporting me on a crazy adventure. Thank YOU for making this possible. God has done so much. Thank you for joining the adventure with me, whether financially, through prayer, checking in on me, or rooting for me.

I have been home for a month now. It is strange not being in Romania which was my home for six months. I absolutely loved working with the wonderful people at House of Smiles daily care center and in the Family House, though it was not always easy. It was difficult at times, especially the first three months. It could get very lonely not knowing anyone or the language. Additionally, I was challenged when plans I had been looking forward to were changed or even canceled.

Of course, everything turned out well and through those little difficulties I grew so much. I learned that having a good cry is okay and talking about these frustrations really helps. I learned that God’s plans are not always my plans, and His plan is even better.There is no shame in not having it all together. God continually showed me His love through these times!

I also saw how much He loved the children I served. I worked with children who lied and stole, who smelled, had lice, who came from broken homes. He gave them life and loves them. Each of them has the same dignity I do. I loved teaching, playing soccer, (in Europe known as football!), doing puzzles, baking, laughing, and dancing with these kids.

I also had the opportunity to meet many teens and adults from Baia Mare and developed great relationships. An American girl can walk down the street in a Romanian city and say hi to a Hungarian woman and her daughter that she had met days before at the park…what a gift!

A note on the faith in Romania: The majority of people are Greek Orthodox but many are not practicing. The majority of teens I spoke with do not have relationships with God and are unsure of His existence. Communists controlled Romania for many years and left lasting marks on the government and people. Please keep Romania in your prayers!

I am still unpacking this crazy year but I know this was a beautiful season of my life. Now I am beginning a new exciting season. I am moving to Dallas, Texas and pursuing a nursing career. There are many unknowns but I know I can trust in God.

Thank you for your support while I was a missionary with the Sts. Cyril and Methodius Center for Evangelization. I was their third ever missionary and now five new missionaries will begin this year! Would you consider continuing your support for the mission to Eastern European countries? Please visit https://lciaustria.org/sts-cyril-methodius-center-evangelization/

I wish you and your families all the best. Know you can always send me prayer requests!

May the Joy of Christ Fill Your Heart,
Looking forward to keeping in touch with you! Keep an eye out for new blog updates
