In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.


Dear Lord, we give you thanks for the 30 years that you have guided, blessed, and used LCI to bring the hope, truth, and love of Christ to the East. We thank you for every benefactor, student, teacher, staff, and supporter of LCI who you designed to participate in the beautiful and meaningful witness and mission of rebuilding your Church. O God, you are eternally loving and faithful and worthy of our constant devotion. Please accompany LCI with your wisdom and zeal as it enters a new chapter. Place in all our hearts a strong desire to grow closer to you and joyfully share your light with all those around us. And with the help of Our Blessed Mother, may LCI continue to serve you faithfully and wholeheartedly. All glory be to you forever.



Insert particular prayer for the day


Our Father…


Hail Mary…


Glory Be …


In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit Amen.



Day 1:

Through the intercession of the holy missionaries, Saints Cyril and Methodius, who so faithfully fulfilled Jesus’ command entrusted to His Apostles and brought into the lands of the Slavs the light of the Gospel and the Catholic Faith, O Lord, we pray for LCI past, present, and future.


Day 2:

Through the intercession of Mother Teresa who taught the world the value of every human life, by bringing the light of Jesus to those who lived in darkness and showing God’s compassion to those in suffering and pain, O Lord, we pray for LCI past, present, and future.


Day 3:

Through the intercession of Our Lady Maria Thron who has shared her maternal love with the Kartause community and protected LCI through many trials, O Lord, we pray for LCI past, present, and future.


Day 4:

Through the intercession of Pope St. John Paul II who through his witness of Christ and unshakable faith, set the world on fire and helped bring an end to communism in Eastern Europe, O Lord, we pray for LCI past, present, and future.


Day 5:

Through the intercession of St. Bruno, founder of the Carthusians, who was an example of holiness in his devotion and dedication to prayer and teaching others about You, O Lord, we pray for LCI past, present, and future.


Day 6:

Through the intercession of St. Francis who devoted his life to rebuilding God’s Church by service, poverty and great humility, O Lord, we pray for LCI past, present, and future.


Day 7:

Through the intercession of St. Patrick who converted all of Ireland to Christianity and is a holy example of perseverance and zeal in evangelization, O Lord, we pray for LCI past, present, and future.


Day 8:

Through the intercession of the Martyrs of the 20th century who witnessed and professed their faith amid persecutions even unto death, and whose courage in the face of tyranny inspires us today, O Lord, we pray for LCI past, present, and future.


Day 9:

Through the intercession of the Holy Family who were close to You, our Heavenly Father, on Earth by uniting their wills to Yours, and who are now close to You in Heaven, O Lord, we pray for LCI past, present, and future.