LCI Spring 2024
Like a small seed hidden in the earth during winter, LCI’s n...

Angelin at LCI: living life to the fullest
Angelin (pictured left) is the other of two LCI students at...

Anna at LCI: Gratitude and Grace
Anna is one of two LCI students, at the Kartause for the Spr...

Peace on Earth
By Meghan Schofield “Glory to God in the highest, and on...

The Remarkable Story of the Founding of the Austrian Program and LCI
On December 10, 2022, Francisan University honored Nick Heal...

Thank you for prayers and support
Following the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, LCI sent out a...
“In Albania, a country that has — with general agreement — suffered more than other countries from systematic atheism, the Church is in extreme need of enthusiastic and well-prepared members, particularly among the youth. Thus I continue to hope, that in spite of your limited funds, you will not forget Albania. May God bless you and your beautiful work!”
“Experience of the last years has shown that the program of Gaming’s Institute is successful in preparation of competent persons who now, developing their activity whether in our structures or in other places are constantly ready to serve the Church both by the knowledge and witness of their own life.”
“The English language proficiency and spiritual formation which they [students from this diocese] have received in LCI has been very useful for the pastoral work of our Diocese. I would like to continue sending students from our Diocese…May God bless you and your nice endeavors in order to help the Church of the former Communist countries.”
“I would like to send young people in the future to the Language and Catechetical Institute of Gaming, because in this Institute they can receive intensive training in the English language together with Christian formation and a deepening love for Catholic culture. Your program is very necessary in our diocese.”
“I am very grateful for everything you have done for our diocese. From the Language and Catechetical Institute have already graduated quite a lot of our presently working diocesan people…All you have put in these students now brings very good fruits.”
“As far as the Language and Catechetical Institute is concerned, our diocese has had only a positive experience with it and we are honored to cooperate with you…We would like to continue sending young people to your Institute, especially those who have a positive relationship to the Church and are open to religious dialogue and willing to sacrifice their interests for the interests of God.”
“I am very grateful for all the good things that your Institute has been doing for the Church and in particular for students from Ukraine.”
“Thank you so much for your help in the Christian education of lay people in Russia. Every person who received formation at LCI has made a real impact in the apostolic field of our young Church.”