Yunita from Borneo, Indonesia
About Yunita from Borneo, Indonesia
Teacher in Primary School
Our first student to hail from Indonesia, Yunita is committed to learning English in order to study the theology of Marriage and Family and bring that home to her country. In Indonesia Catholicism is a minority (about 3%), and while it is officially “accepted”, in many regions it is difficult to be a Christian. In many cases, you wouldn’t necessarily even admit that you are a Christian. In addition, since 1980, foreign missionaries are forbidden to enter the country. Despite this, there are many faith-filled and strong Catholics, and Yunita was born into one such large Catholic family. Most of her neighbors in town are Muslim, but her family has committed to passing on the Faith and making a life for their children. Her father works at the local hospital, and her mother is also a primary school teacher.
Through various contacts and friends, Yunita has had the opportunity to spend Christmas in Austria, and has also travelled extensively throughout Central Europe. Here she came in contact with the International Theological Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family. Yunita felt that this would be a good place for her to study, given the need for education of this kind in her home country. She chose to come to the LCI program as a preparatory year to gain the adequate language skills needed (all classes are in English), continuing spiritual formation, as well as a beginning theological vocabulary. “It is really amazing in Gaming,” she notes. “I like the faith and the community here in Gaming. To pray together is important. To celebrate Holy Mass every day is really good for my personal faith and for improving my English. The people are really kind here.”
When asked what she will bring back to her home community after Gaming, she says: “Well, first I will know much more about other people and other countries. I hope my English improves, so I can study marriage and family. But really I also want to bring the spirit of the community here and the nice friendships I have made.”