My heart has always been fulfilled when serving others, from small tasks such as holding open a door for someone, to serving the homeless food. I have wanted to do some sort of missionary work for several years. I desire to step outside my own comfort in order to fully serve those who are not as fortunate as I am. The joy and fulfillment service gives me is unmatchable and I truly believe it is a gift from God.
One of the reasons I am choosing to do a missionary year before college is so that I can spend a year growing closer Christ through self mortification and prayer. CMC gives the opportunity to not only serve those in need of love and help, but those in need of Christ. During the CMC year I am optimistic I will be pushed deeper in my faith as well as get the opportunity to serve Christ in others. I have lived a blessed life, one where comfort is at my fingertips, I believe that it is my God-given duty to deny myself that and serve those who have not had the opportunities and comfort that I have had. I was not placed on this earth to live for myself, so I will take up my cross and follow Christ by serving others. “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me”(Matthew 16:24)